CEIP Condesa de Fenosa: Terceiro Ciclo! :D Kimani Maruge !-- Prototype y Scriptaculous-->

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Kimani Maruge

Do you know this man?
He is Kimani Maruge 
Click here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimani_Maruge to get information about him.

Then, if you want, you can answer the following questions:

1-Where was Kimani from?
2-When was he born?
3-When did he start studying Primary Education?
4-How old was he?
5-Why didn' t he study when he was a child?
6-What was Kimani´s job?
7-Which record does Kimani hold?
8-When did he die?

1 comentario:

  1. Rapaces:
    Aquí tedes información sobre Kimani Maruge, o home que se convertiu no alumno máis vello en estudiar Educación Primaria.


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